Housing Europe: Mapping of Ηousing in 7 countries – Housing Europe Observatory contributes to the ENLIGHTEN project

Housing Europe is partner in a Horizon 2020 project called ENLIGHTEN (European Legitimacy In Governing through Hard Times: The role of European Networks). In order to deal with a range of difficulties in current times of crisis, the EU has both created new modes of governance and restructured existing ones. This ambitious and complex research project seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the state of affairs by offering a novel framework to answer the question “More Europe – less Europe?” A work package is dedicated to the issue of ‘Deficit Reduction and Continuity of Public Services’, and looks more specifically into the health and housing sectors.

To support the research work, Housing Europe Observatory has agreed to work on a ‘mapping’ of the housing sector in 7 countries, namely France, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, and the UK. The aim of this exercise is to provide up to date figures (housing conditions and trends in housing markets), and to identify the governance system, relevant actors and significant changes over the past few years that show an impact of the global financial crisis. The report will also point at examples of where the EU has intervened in shaping housing policies at the national level, for instance in the framework of the European Semester.

We will shortly contact our members in the abovementioned countries to get their inputs and validation.

Find out more about the ENLIGHTEN project.

Full article.