Important points on the Council agenda’s 1st half of 2013

Social Platform have listed some of the points from the Provisional agendas of Council meetings 1st half of 2013 (Irish Presidency) which we will monitor and/or respond on in the frame of our work on the social dimension of the economic governance:

European Council
February 7-8
  • MFF (tbc)
JHA (Justice and Home Affairs Council)
March 7-8
  • Regulation on the Rights and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 – general approach
  • Seasonal Workers Directive (1st reading) – general approach
  • Regulation on the Asylum and Migration Fund 2014-2020 (1st reading) – general approach
  • Council conclusions on Information on rights to victims of trafficking in human beings – state of play
June 6-7
  • Council conclusions on Information on rights to victims of trafficking in human beings – adoption
EPSCO (Employment, Social Policy and Health)
February 28
  • European Semester 2013: Contribution to the European Council
    • a) Annual Growth Survey – adoption of Council conclusions and of the Joint Employment report
    • b) Macroeconomic Imbalance – Alert Mechanism Report
    • c) Employment Guidelines
    • d) the Social situation and trends to watch in the EU – endorsement of main messages
  • Youth Employment Package
  • Possibly: Social Investment Package
  • EmCo and SPC Work Programmes – information
June 20-21
  • Directive on gender quotas among non-executive directors of companies – Progress report/ General approach
  • Directive on Equal treatment – Progress report
  • Directive on Freedom of Movement – Progress report
  • European Semester 2013 – policy debate
    • a) +b) NRPs 2013 – Approval and Endorsement of joint opinion of the EmCo and the SPC
  • Social Investment Package – Policy debate and Adoption of Council Conclusions
ECOFIN (Economic and Financial Affairs Council)
January 22
  • (poss.) Second economic governance package (“Two Pack”)
  • Annual Growth Survey
  • Financial Transaction Tax
February 12
  • AGS (poss.) European Semester 2013
March 5
  • Contribution to the European Council meeting on 14-15 March 2013 – European Semester 2013
  • (poss.) European Semester: Country specific issues
  • (poss.) Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact
May 14
  • Financial Transaction Tax
June 21
  • Contribution to the European Council meeting on 27-28 June 2013 – European Semester 2013
GAC (General Affairs Council)
February 4
  • Cohesion policy legislative package
  • Preparation of the EU Council of 8 February
March 11
  • Preparation of the EU Council of 14-15 March
  • Synthesis report on the European Semester 2013
April 23
  • Follow-up to the EU Council of 14-15 March + possibly European Semester
May 21
  • Preparation of the EU Council of May 30
June 25
  • Preparation of the EU Council of June 27-28
  • Approval of integrated country-specific recommendation
COMP (Competitiveness Council)
February 18-19
  • European semester 2013 / Annual Growth Survey
  • State of the Single Market Integration 2013
  • Single Market Act I & II – state of play
  • Communication “Innovation Union including the single innovation indicator” (only if relevant for social innovation)
  • Communication “Action plan for entrepreneurship” (only if relevant for social entrepreneurship)
May 29-30
  • Possibly: state aid modernisation
  • Single Market Act I & II – state of play
  • 9° Consumer Scoreboard
  • Possibly: Bank account Initiative
EYCS (Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council)
February 15
  • Rethinking Education: investing in skills
  • Europe 2020/AGS 2013
May 16-17
  • The Social Dimension of Higher Education