Integration indicators as an advocacy tool to advance the Europe 2020 targets

The Migration Policy Group (MPG) and the Barcelona Centre for international Affairs (CIDOB) are currently preparing their fourth edition of Migration Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), which is a reference guide and interactive tool to assess, compare and improve integration policy.

The findings of the MIPEX study are an important advocacy tool to make the case why immigrants play a significant role for EU in reaching its Europe 2020 Strategy’s headline targets on employment, education and social inclusion.

MIPEX measures integration policies in the EU and beyond and provide a multi-dimensional picture of migrant’s opportunities to participate in society; it covers 7 strands with totalling 149 indicators:

  1. Labour market mobility
  2. Family reunion
  3. Long-term residence
  4. Access to nationality
  5. Political participation
  6. Education
  7. Anti-discrimination

The researcher will be looking at who is benefiting from the policies and who could be potential beneficiaries, the study also includes vulnerable groups were there exist comparable data e.g. age and gender and social inclusion is measured throughout all indicators. Additionally they are considering the possibilities to examine entitlement and access to health systems and services. 

Ahead of their work they are welcoming inputs from EU-level stakeholders on which comparable indicators are the most necessary for societal integration and that can further developed the policy debates.

Social Platform is organising together with MPG a capacity building seminar for our members on February 27 to further discuss what migration and integration measures are needed for employment, education and social inclusion. See the agenda for more information.
