International Federation of Social Workers: A statement of the Association of Social Workers of the Czech republic in the matter of so called migrant crisis

“As representatives of the Association of Social Workers of the Czech republic (hereinafter the SSP ČR) we issue this statement in the matter of so called migrant crisis, which seems to be one of the main society-wide topics of today.

“The main objective of social work is to provide help to people in need, to improve their current hardship, to stop a possible escallation of their problems, and to help them keep their human dignity. The very ethical foundation of the social work presumes that any human, no matter what is his or her origin, race or religion, has the right to be given aid.

“The social work looks for a solution of wrong desicions and its consequences, either made by economical or political subjects, or only on a personal level.

“The social work deals with the consequnces of social inequality, which threaten the right of an adequate social status of each human.

“Social workers do assess the causes of hardship of an individual. Nevertheless, they do not primarily seek who is to blame, and the extent of provided aid is not determined by measure of a client’s own fault.

“Social workers have to be ready to provide aid to anybody in need, who asks for help, no matter what is his or her country of origin.

“Social workers need to have competences and tools, which are provided by the state in its donating and executive roles.

“In the light of the current crisis, the SSP ČR does not underestimate challanges and possible risks. A modern society cannot abandon the principles of humanity, the respect to human rights, to dignity and uniqueness of an individual.

“The SSP ČR had elaborated an ethical codex, which has been shaping the social work in the Czech republic ever since. We join the declaration of the Czech Street-work Association issued on October 1st, 2015, as well as the one of the International Federation of Social work (IFSW) from September 5, 2015. Both declarations underline a considerable role of social workers within the society and the communities, and follow the UNO objectives of sustainable development.

“We appeal to the citizens of the Czech republic for solidarity with people in need whose rights are being violated, no matter where and by whom.”

Association of social workers of the Czech republic

Prague December 14th, 2015

The statement can be downloaded here.