Annual meeting with the Director of FRA and EIGE

On June 30 Social Platform invites our members to our annual meeting with Mr Morten Kjaerum, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and Mrs Virginja Langbakk, Director of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). We will discuss our common issues, with a specific focus on equality and human rights.

Our six strategic rights-based objectives for 2014-2020 are: 1) people centred services for the common good, 2) participation in decision making, 3) strong social protection and welfare systems, 4) socio-economic justice, 5) equality for all: eradication of discrimination and realisation of equality, including equality between women and men, in all areas of life, and 6) Decent work and quality employment.

For more information please view the agenda (only accessible for members), or contact Annica Ryngbeck