Invitation to Social Platform Networking Conference preparing the Lithuanian Presidency

  •     The host: Social Platform is the largest civil society alliance fighting for social justice and participatory democracy in Europe. Consisting of 47 pan-European networks of NGOs, Social Platform campaigns to ensure that EU policies are developed in partnership with the people they affect, respecting fundamental rights, promoting solidarity and improving lives.
  •     Event’s objectives: In view of the upcoming Lithuanian EU Presidency – from July to December 2013 – the event will gather representatives from the Lithuanian government, research institutes and social civil society organisations (CSOs) to discuss the social priorities for the Lithuanian EU presidency. The meeting also aims at building alliances between European and Lithuanian CSOs.
  •     See the Programme in English and in Lithuanian. The event includes morning conference and afternoon Networking Café interactive discussions. The Lithuanian Minister of Social Security and Labour, Mrs Algimanta Pabedinskiené, has confirmed her attendance as key-note speaker.
  •     See the Lithuanian participants from the Lithuanian Government, Civil Society Organisations, local authorities and research institutes
  •     See the European networks of CSOs who participated – Social Platform was present with a delegation of 14 representatives from European-level networks of social Civil Society Organisations.
  •     Questions? Contact Ariella de Gennaro, Social Platform’s Development Officer –