Leading with resilience and care – Social Platform virtual General Assembly elects new Management Committee

On 11 May, Social Platform held its annual General Assembly, bringing its members together virtually to collectively think about the upcoming political priorities in Europe. This was an opportunity to reflect together on the achievements made in 2020 in the midst of unprecedented adversity brought by COVID-19. Members also held a series of important votes, including the election of European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network as a full member, and the appointment of our Management Committee. Members further welcomed Social Platform’s new, Director Alva Finn.

The following people will lead the 45-member network during the 2021-2023 period:

  • President – Piotr Sadowski (Volonteurope)
  • Vice-President – Catherine Naughton (European Disability Forum)
  • Vice-President – Shannon Pfohman (Caritas Europa)
  • Treasurer – Heather Roy (Eurodiaconia)
  • Ordinary Member – Mikael Leyi (Solidar)

The elections marked the end of the mandate for Michele LeVoy (PICUM – Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants) and Mila Shamku (CECOP – European Confederation of industrial and service cooperatives) as Ordinary Members.

President Piotr Sadowski expressed the General Assembly’s thanks to Ms LeVoy, who served on the Management Committee since 2015, and to Ms Shamku, for their tireless leadership and contributions to Social Platform, particularly during the uncertainties brought by the pandemic.