Mental Health Europe: Implementation of the UN CRPD at EU level – Where are we now ?

For the past year, Mental Health Europe (MHE) has been monitoring the progress of the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) at European Union level from the perspective of the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities.

It is still work in progress. While the European Commission has made significant progress in certain areas, particularly on some procedural issues and the Accessibility Act, the implementation is still very mixed with much room for improvement on key human rights issues of concern to persons with psychosocial disabilities including:

  • Legal capacity.
  • Access to mental health care.
  • Access to justice.
  • Liberty and security.
  • Informed consent to treatment.
  • Freedom from torture.

MHE hopes more will be done in 2017 to ensure that the EU supports persons with less visible disabilities too.

Download the implementation report here.

Full article.