MEPs show much needed ambition on fight against poverty

Today’s European Parliament vote to adopt the Resolution on adequate minimum income ensuring active inclusion is a significant step forward in protecting some of Europe’s most vulnerable from falling below the poverty line.  

The Resolution includes a call for an EU framework directive, a much-needed show of ambition from MEPs supporting stronger, legally binding action to tackle poverty and inequalities across all member states.  

With the skyrocketing cost of living and current minimum income schemes failing to provide adequate, accessible support to those who need it most, the European Parliament’s Resolution is a clear call to the European Commission to go beyond the Council Recommendation on minimum income and take stronger measures to enforce change.  

Head of Advocacy of Social Platform, Laura de Bonfils: 

“Civil society has long been calling for a directive on minimum income to ensure that no one has to live below the poverty line. We are delighted that the European Parliament has now also taken this call forward to make a real difference to the millions of people living in poverty in the EU. 

Everyone deserves to live a life in dignity and we need minimum income schemes that guarantee to leave no one behind.”  

Press enquiries 

Senior Campaigns and Communications Officer Hannah Grieve: