On the Road to Porto – Social Platform President calls for an end to business as usual

“We’re all one Europe, together! It’s about time we look after one another.” That was the message delivered by Social Platform President Piotr Sadowski to participants of the ‘2030 Porto Agenda for Sustainable Wellbeing’ conference hosted by the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament on 21 April.

The conference brought together decision-makers, representatives of civil society organisations and social partners, and other experts to discuss the European Union’s social objectives, inequalities and quality employment.

Speaking during the panel ‘From Inequalities to Sustainable Wellbeing’, Piotr highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented economic, employment, and social crises, exacerbating pre-existing social inequalities and bringing to the surface the weaknesses of existing social protection systems. He stressed to decision-makers that now is the time to act, and the European Pillar of Social Rights and its Action Plan present the EU with a true catalyst for change.

Piotr highlighted some of Social Platform’s key demands, as outlined in our initial reaction to the Action Plan, including:

  • The EU should set more ambitious poverty reduction targets, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • There needs to be an overarching EU post-2020 strategy to ensure policy coherence and balance the EU’s social, economic, and environmental priorities
  • Great ambition is needed to go beyond the actions proposed in the Action plan, in particular regarding minimum income (for example, by proposing an EU Framework Directive on Adequate Minimum Income)
  • The European Commission should create an EU strategy for social services, as quality, affordable, available and accessible social services across the EU play an essential role in mitigating the effects of the crisis and supporting a quick recovery from the COVID-19 crisis
  • Member States and EU institutions should strengthen civil dialogue and ensure that civil society organisations are fully involved in all steps of policy-making, implementation, evaluation and monitoring processes

Following the conference, a declaration signed by participants, including Piotr, was published, calling for social change. These topics, and more, will be central to both Social Platform’s ‘Building Social Europe’ Flagship Conference on 4-5 May and the EU Social Summit hosted by the Portuguese Presidency for the Council of the EU on 7 May.

Speaking after the conference, Piotr said:

“EU Social Summits need to happen regularly, and they should be some of the most important events in the social calendar of Europe. Now is the moment for decision-makers to show their mettle and be truly ambitious. Averages and business as usual are not good enough – we cannot cut corners and set easily-achievable targets that result in many people, including people in vulnerable situations, being left behind.”