Our concerns about the EU can be used to create a better EU

According to a recent poll 69% of the French population thinks that democracy does not function anymore….and 32% think that Europe is not a good thing for their country (whereas only 35% think the opposite). There is a polarisation of the population that will be used by political parties in the upcoming European elections next May.

The poll also shows that we tend to have more trust in our local representatives – the mayor – than in our MPs and MEPs. It seems the further away you get, the less trust you get. I say “we” and “us” because I do understand these feelings and fear in a changing world. Increasing poverty and unemployment, reductions in social support, or reductions to our social welfare does not strengthen solidarity but weakens it: the “we”, as Europeans, is transformed into “them” and “us”. The lack of security, which used to be provided by our economic stabilisers (social protection, social services, labour codes), creates fear and a demand for renewed security.

While these fears are understandable, the way to address them can be different. We can succumb to them and withdraw from society and the EU, or we can say what we want European society to be. There is hope in each one of us for a better EU: 76% of the people surveyed said that people can change society by their choices and their actions.

So let’s change it together. For example, a French Senator came to discuss with us last week the role of the EU in breaking the cycle of poverty. He came with proposals and openness to discuss Social Platform’s proposals to change the current EU policies in order to improve the lives of those who have been sacrificed in the name of economic reforms.

I see the wheels of change when I meet with the Management Committee and all the members of the Platform in our Steering Group. We are all aware that the crisis is not over and that the hardship is mainly supported by the poorest in the EU. Yet at the same time, the leaders of our members come again and again with concrete proposals to change the EU through the next European Parliament elections and the appointment of the next Commission. Social NGOs are there to show that even in difficult situations there can be solidarity. We can rebuild a sense of security and solidarity, maybe not in the same shape as before, but certainly with the same outcomes.

Let’s engage

Pierre Baussand – Director