PICUM’s message on Internation Migrants Day – No One Is Illegal

On the occasion of International Migrant's Day (Dec 19), the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) urges the EU and its member states to end criminalisation of undocumented migrants to ensure equal access to human rights and to basic services.

PICUM’s monitoring of the situation of irregular migrants in Europe shows an increasing trend of criminalising irregular migrants in Europe through criminal law measures, administrative detention or other punitive measures under administrative law, and through policies and practices that further perpetuate populist discourses.

Most EU member states punish irregular entry and irregular stay. Criminalisation can also apply to people who assist, support and rescue undocumented migrants for humanitarian reasons. Facilitating irregular entry and irregular stay is considered a criminal offence in most member states.

The choice of terminology is also crucial in shaping perceptions.* The perception that undocumented migrants are ‘illegal’ frequently creates administrative, financial and other practical barriers to access their basic rights.

Read PICUM's full press release here
