Register for our seminar on Europe’s social problems and its implications for economic growth

Why you should register for our seminar on "Europe's social problems and its implications for economic growth" on June 20 from 14.00 – 16.00

  • Do you want to know what economists consider as an efficient and effective social welfare system?
  • Do you want to know what kind of recommendations they are making to decision makers when it comes to social policies?
  • Do you want to target or better understand the ECOFIN – the meeting of Minister of Economy and Finances: our speaker has worked closely with the ECOFIN in the past months.
  • Do you want to find economic arguments to social policies: our guest speaker is the director of the Bruegel institute, a European think tank specializing in economics. Read the biography of Guntram Wolff.

At our seminar you will be able to discuss the link between poverty and the long term growth potential of Europe’s economies, and its impact on the sustainability of public debt. You will also hear about the trends of income inequality that have increased in almost every country from 1987 till 2007. You can read the background paper here.

You can register for this event on Doodle until June 16, mentioning your name and organisation. In case you are not representing a member of Social Platform, please send your contact details to Herlinde Vanhooydonck.