ReSOMA launch event – Funding a long-term comprehensive approach to migrant inclusion at local level

On 17 September, Social Platform, in co-operation with Mental Health Europe and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), held a workshop on funding a long-term comprehensive approach to migrant inclusion at local level. This workshop, which took place in Helsinki in the framework of Social Platform’s ‘Building Social Europe’ Flagship event, was the first of nine transnational launch events of the ReSOMA Project.*

During the workshop, migrant inclusion experts from 14 different EU Member States had the opportunity to discuss the next EU budget (multi-annual financial framework) and the management of EU funds for migrant inclusion within their respective national context. Participants also discussed key elements of what a comprehensive approach to migrant inclusion could look like (see the ReSOMA brief on the topic here).

In the afternoon of the workshop, a study visit took place to the Centre of Psychotraumatology in Helsinki, which provides nationwide consultation, education and supervision services for health care and other professionals working with tortured and traumatised refugees and asylum seekers. The project is linked to the Finnish national member of Eurodiaconia and is funded by the EU’s Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

The full agenda of the workshop can be found here.

*ReSOMA, the Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum, is an initiative mobilising for sustained, regular policy dialogue across Europe and facilitating policies based on evidence. In a unique partnership of European civil society (including Social Platform) and local authority organisations, think tanks and research networks, ReSOMA creates new opportunities for consultation and provides policy-relevant expertise. Started in 2018, ReSOMA is a two-year project supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme.