Save the date: Go green, be social

Social Platform is organizing a conference on tax justice and climate change, in the frame of the Spring Alliance and with the support of the King Badouin Foundation. The conference will take place on Thursday 5 December 2013, from 9.00 to 12.00. It will be hosted by PERVANCHE BERÉS MEP, Chair of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, at the European Parliament, Brussels (Room A3H-1).


The conference will look at how decision makers can shape an integrated approach to climate change and energy policies – combining social, environmental and economic aspects. Questions that will be looked at include:

  1. What environmental taxation and EU fiscal instruments are needed to promote a fair energy transition?
  2. How can we ensure that the burden is fairly shared between private consumption and production activities (taking into account the impact on the most vulnerable)
  3. What does a taxation shift from labour to environment actually mean for the sustainability of our welfare system?


Speakers include:

  • Pervenche BERÉS MEP, Chair of the Employment Committee
  • Heather ROY, President of Social Platform
  • Lucas CHANCEL, Sciences Po Paris
  • Judith KIRTON-DARLING, ETUC Confederal Secretary
  • Chris LENON, Chair of Green Taxation WG at BUSINESS EUROPE
  • David GEE, Green Budget Europe
  • Claire ROUMET, Vice-President of Social Platform
  • Prof. Stefan BOUZAROVSKI, Director of the Centre for Urban Resilience and Energy, University of Manchester
  • Bernadette SÉGOL, ETUC General Secretary


Registration for the event is now open please email Francesca Parente.


The EEB 2030 Climate Change UE Framework event on 4th December is also part of the same KBF project. For more information, contact Susanna Williams at