Save-the-date – upcoming events on Fundamental Rights and Equality

Save-the-date – upcoming events with the EU institute on Gender Equality and the EU agency on Fundamental Rights

March 20 – meeting with the Director and staff of the European Institute for Gender Equality at Social Platform

On March 20 we will host a meeting between Social Platform members and Ms Langbakk, Director of the European Institute for Gender Equality (based in Vilnius, Lithuanian). Normally we don’t schedule meetings on Wednesday’s taking into account children in primary school in Belgium have the afternoon free. Considering this is a unique opportunity to meet with not only the Director but several members of her staff we will make an exception. We hope announcing the date in advance might enable some parents to re-arrange to be able to attend. The meeting is a request from our side but also on the initiative of the Institute to establish working relations in order for us to enhance our dialogue and cooperation; drawing inspiration from the good practices we have established with the Fundamental Rights Agency where we meet with the Director at least once a year and actively contribute to consultations on content as well as process. We will prepare for the meeting at the FRAND Working Group on January 24. More information will be sent to members further on.

April 25-26: 6th Annual meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform in Vienna

FRP participants meet once a year at the Fundamental Rights Platform meeting, which allows direct interaction between the FRA and civil society organisations. Each annual meeting highlights several specific fundamental rights themes and provides a space for the exchange of ideas, good practice sharing and networking. In 2013, the Annual FRP meeting will focus on: Anti-discrimination policies – tools and measures available to civil society; Social rights – the role of Council of Europe and the EU Citizens Initiative – a tool that can bring forward fundamental rights issues. Open space discussions at ‘the Floor is yours’, ‘Thematic workshops with FRA project managers and a number of other engaging sessions will offer plenty of opportunities to exchange ideas, learn more about each other’s work and explore opportunities for closer cooperation. Official invitations will be sent out by the FRA in the beginning of February.