Social fireworks in 2015

I don’t know about you, but for me 2014 felt like a very long and challenging year! We saw a new Parliament, a new Commission, the first year of implementation of the new EU structural funds and a social situation in our countries that worsened.

Of one thing I am sure: there is nothing that can hold us back from our hopes for a better Europe. In December there were clashes in several member states between governments and popular demonstrations to end austerity and social cuts. There are now cracks in EU and member state austerity measures, with the recent acceptance of the need for economic investment as confirmed during the last European Council of December 18. And the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development flashed-up the news last week that ‘addressing high and growing inequality is critical to promote strong and sustained growth.’

Clash, crack, flash: these are perfect sounds for social firework to see in 2015, which we welcome with the hope for greater social justice in the EU.

I thank all of you for your support and encouragement during 2014, and I wish you all a fun and festive end of the year with your loved ones.

Until next year – let’s engage!

Pierre Baussand, Director