Social Platform opens registration and calls for workshops for its 2nd Flagship Conference “Building Social Europe”

Today we open registration for our second Flagship Conference “Building Social Europe” which will take place on 16-18 September 2019 in Helsinki, organised in cooperation with the Finnish Ministry of Social Affair and Health.

Our event will take place during a crucial time: European leaders will be preparing the next EU legislature following the European elections results. It will be an opportunity for our members and actors from a wider European social movement to debate with national and EU level decision-makers on how the EU can prevent further decay in social justice, democracy and trust in the coming five years.

We very much hope that many of our members and their Finnish members will join us.

Registration will remain open until the beginning of September, but we encourage you to register sooner due to the summer break as well to ensure we can strike the right balance between participants from local and European levels, civil society representatives and other stakeholders. Priority will go to our members.

Register here.

You can find more information and the provisional programme on our website and Facebook event where all the updates and practical information will be posted regularly.

Workshops call

We invite members to express their interest in co-organising and facilitating a workshop during the Flagship Conference. This includes suggesting and shaping a concrete workshop topic, providing input for the workshop format and speakers to invite, and suggesting national and local members to be engaged in the workshop and accompanying study visits. Up to 6 workshops will be held around the following themes[1]:

  1. Employment
  2. Health
  3. Homelessness/housing
  4. Minimum income
  5. Services
  6. Inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

Please see the full call for workshops.

[1] The themes include issues related to the topics of the High-level Conference on the Economy of Wellbeing organised by the Finnish Presidency.