SOLIDAR: Dialogue with US Ambassador Gardner on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with public procurement, Social Services provision & ISDS on the menu

On Thursday 12 February SOLIDAR together with our partners European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Social Platform and European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) met with US Ambassador Gardner to exchange views on the current negotiations on the TTIP with a focus on possible impacts on social, health and public services, their providers and their provision referring to our European Social model. In an open discussion, concerns on both sides of the Atlantic were exchanged, especially regarding public procurement, the enforceability of labour standards and the possible carve-out of social and public services. It was stated that our different historical developments and understanding of the welfare state, its actors and responsibilities as well as the sometimes misleading communications between negotiators and the wider public have led to a certain scepticism and at times mistrust over the negotiations. The open debate allowed a better understanding of the different positions on both sides. While identifying commonalities in some areas, other areas such as the system of dispute settlement remain subject to further discussions.

SOLIDAR will continue to raise awareness among its membership about TTIP’s challenges and we will also continue the dialogue with negotiators and stakeholders, together with our alliances.

Related document: ‘Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Our crown jewels for sale?’

Full article.