SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards Ceremony – 3 June

SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards Ceremony: Wednesday 3rd June 2015, from 19:00-21:00 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Register here.

The ‘Together for Social Europe’ Silver Rose Award goes to: Aide et Défense des Jeunes Isolés Etrangers (ADJIE). ADJIE gives free legal assistance to unaccompanied minors and young immigrants who arrive in France without legal guardians to access support according to their rights within the French legal system and the international convention on human rights. Twice a week volunteers provide legal advice at their office in Paris to guide minors and young people on how to be able to apply for Social support. The most recent tragedies in the Mediterranean have made this one of the more poignant awards to be given out this year. The majority of the Jury was also in favour of selecting this specific organisation for the Silver Rose Awards because of the current challenges Europe faces around the exclusion of young people, especially those with a migrant background.

Read more on SOLIDAR’s website.