SOLIDAR: Social Progress Lab – need for alternative reforms to enhance Europe’s social dimension

The recent quarterly review by the European Commission to assess labour market and social developments painted a clear picture: the number of unemployed people remains high throughout Europe with big divergence between member states. Although some improvements in employment numbers can be identified, young people especially are carrying the burden of the recent economic crisis and failed policy responses. Waiting for growth to return the Europe is not an answer SOLIDAR can accept. Therefore, its approach is two-fold: supporting its members in their targeted services provision to the persons in need and at the same time the development of alternative answers to the structural reforms currently being promoted by EU institutions and most national governments.

Therefore, SOLIDAR is launching today [6 July] – at the premises of the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) International Training Centre and with support by ACTRAV, the ILO Bureau for Workers’ Activities – its Social Progress Lab, a space to develop an alternative vision of our social Europe – where high social safeguards are implemented and member states are developing together, for more upward convergence and more equality for Europe’s citizens.

The Social Progress Lab starts with a Symposium, taking place today in Turin, which hosts a group of academics and independent thinkers. Focusing on the introduction of social safeguards in the Union’s policies and economic governance, the selected participants will present and discuss their policy alternatives to create higher quality jobs, more inclusive growth and social investment.

Participants are discussing their academic papers under the supervision and guidance of our special advisor Dr. Lieve Fransen (former Director for Social Policies, DG EMPL, European Commission) and the scientific advisory group which consists of Dr. Rémi Bazillier (Université d’Orléans), Dr. Giovanni Cozzi (University of Greenwich), Dr. Amandine Crespy (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Prof. Dr. Ferdi De Ville (Ghent University) and Dr. Angela Wigger (Radboud University Nijmegen).

Today’s symposium is the first step in a process that will lead to the presentation of an edited volume at the European Parliament in December 2015. With this publication, SOLIDAR aims to present constructive policy proposals that will safeguard and encourage social progress in Europe.

Full article.