The austerity belief takes on water

The EU leading economic policy mainly focused on harsh austerity measures is finally being severely questioned to its foundations not only by social NGOs – we have been doing that for the last 2 years – but also by its founding fathers and the highest political levels in the member states.

Last week, President Barroso recognised that “politically and socially, one policy that is only seen as austerity, is of course not sustainable”. It “has reached its limits in many aspects, because a policy to be successful not only has to be properly designed. It has to have the minimum of political and social support”.

At national level, the new Prime Minister of Italy stated in his sworn in speech “we will die of fiscal consolidation alone. Growth policies cannot wait any longer”. He also said that Europe faced a “crisis of legitimacy” and had to change its focus on austerity.

It is a good sign for people that the austerity belief is taking on water. Now we need to sink it. We need to continue to push for a real change in EU policy that can get the support of citizens.

We have a proposal. Our new President Heather Roy will speak directly to President Barroso and President van Rompuy next Thursday at the EU conference on social investment. Listen to her, she will say how social investment can be an opportunity to reorient the current policies towards a much needed re-balancing of social and economic policies both at EU and national level.

You will hear from us. Let’s engage!

Pierre Baussand – Director