The economic downturn: a power engine towards a social and political union for Europe

On 17 October 2013, we participated in the conference "The economic downturn acting as a power engine towards Europe's social and political union" organised by our member FAI (the International Federation of the Christian Associations of Italian Workers). In particular, we gave a contribution to the round table "The future of Europe. Employment and institutional reforms as a propelling engine".

Valentina Caimi, Policy Adviser, firstly explained Social Platform's views on employment, then the impact of EU economic policies on employment;  finally highlighted the lack of an effective democratic process in eonomic and employment policies, with some proposals for institutional reform.

As Social Platform, we call on the EU and member states to invest in the creation of, access to, and progression in quality and sustainable employment. Social NGOs can complement the work of social partners, bringing on board their expertise on specific issues, such as: access to the labour market for those furthest away; the creation of jobs, in particular in social services and social economy; quality employment and in-work poverty; and progression in employment and promoting equality and non discrimination in the labour market. The Europe 2020 strategy wants to promote smart, inclusive and sustainable growth. You cannot have inclusive and sustainable growth if the jobs created are of poor quality.

The economic and fiscal policies developed by the EU and implemented by member states have so far focused only on fiscal consolidation, by imposing drastic cuts in social protection, social and health services and education. We think that EU economic and fiscal policies should also contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as to adequate social protection systems and the creation of quality employment to ensure the well-being of all people.

For this reason, with the Spring Alliance (Social Platform, ETUC, the European Environmental Bureau and Concord) we are developing a new Manifesto to:

protect and develop

– democracy

– ecosystems

– employment

– cohesive and equal societies

by adapting

– economic governance and

– global responsibility.