The EESC calls for organised civil society involvement in the Conference on the Future of Europe

Social Platform welcomes the strong stance the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) took regarding the important role for organised civil society involvement in the Conference on the Future of Europe.

On 27 April, the EESC adopted a resolution at its plenary session on ‘A New Narrative for Europe – The EESC resolution on the Conference on the Future of Europe’. The Resolution highlights the need to reconnect and engage people in conversations on the Future of Europe, and the important role organised civil society plays in that regard as it has the means and network to reach out to people at the grassroots level.

Social Platform looks forward to engaging in the Conference on the Future of Europe. The active involvement of organised civil society organisations like Social Platform and its pan-European member networks is key in making the entire process a success and to ensure that the voices of people in all their diversity are heard. Civil society organisations represent the interests of all people, including those who are in the most vulnerable situations and underrepresented in policy-making. They also represent social economy actors and not-for-profit social service providers, who support millions of people in their day-to-day lives. Civil society organisations can therefore contribute crucial expertise to ensure that policies and legislation correspond to the lived realities of people, including those in the most vulnerable situations who, otherwise, are often not reached by mainstream policies.