The first European Citizen’s Initiative: Right2Water

On February 17 the first European Parliament Hearing for a citizens initiative took place on the "Right2Water" campaign. The campaign seeks to secure universal access to clean water and sanitation and opposes the liberalisation of water services. Social Platform has supported this campaign together with other partners at EU and national level.

The petition is the first to successfully use the so-called European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), introduced in 2012 as part of the Lisbon treaty, which lets 1 million or more EU citizens task the commission with consideration of new laws. A minimum number of signatories, based on each country's population, is required in at least seven member states. Right2Water reached a quorum in 13 countries with over 1.8 million signatures in total. 

The President of the Environment Committee (ENVI) Mathias Groote chaired the event with representatives of the Petitions Committee, the Internal Market Committee and the Development Committee. Over 30 Members of the European Parliament asked questions and many more to attended.  Extracts from the opening statements can be watched online here

This first citizens initiative was hailed as a a milestone in direct democracy in Europe and proof that that this new participative democracy tool works. Indeed this campaign has given citizens the opportunity for thier issues to be heard but it remains to be seen if the EC has listened and if they will be concrete in their policy response. The European Commission will respond to the proposals by March 20 to say whether it will table new legislation.