Water campaign succesfully collects almost 2 million signatures

It's with great pleasure that we announce that last week the campaign "Right2water"  reached about 1.9 million signatures in the 28 member states. Social Platform has supported it together with other partners at EU and national level.

This initiative has been undoubtedly a success for participatory democracy. In fact the minimum number of signatures required has been reached in 13 countries: Finland, Lithuania, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain. The minimum requirements imposed by the European Commission for an European Citizens Initiative to be considered is to be backed by one million signatures by citizens of at least seven member states. In the case of the water campaign mobilisation of EU citizens has gone far beyond.

We now expect the European Commission to make the right to water and sanitation a reality for all, by guaranteeing the promotion of water supply and sanitation as essential public services for all through EU legislation.