Where is the alternative to the “yes” or “no” to Europe?

Would I have voted “yes” in the Dutch referendum on 6 April? I honestly don’t know. However, I know for certain that I would not have voted “no”. If I were Dutch I would not be very surprised to read that only 32.2% of my fellow citizens went to vote, and that 61.6% of them voted against the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. The result has been assessed by too many as a rejection of the EU. But what if both some of the “no” voters and a lot of those who abstained share the view that they are for the EU, but with different policies than the ones that are currently implemented?

This is the main problem with a “yes” or “no” vote. Where is the possibility to propose an alternative? Why have a vote on approving or rejecting the agreement? What about amending it? This is where European social NGOs have a role to play.

We are quite critical of the EU in the way it is run, but that does not mean that we don’t want the EU. We just want a revised version.

On 8 March the European Commission launched a proposal for a pillar of social rights. I believe that this is something that can unite people around the European project. As a leader of the “no” vote admitted, he did not read the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, and I expect that the majority of voters didn’t either. However, I think a lot of EU citizens would be interested to discuss the level of minimum income they should get in case they experience poverty. They would take part in discussions on the level of an adequate minimum wage. They would contribute to reform of our social security systems so that they benefit and ensure quality, accessibility and affordability. Perhaps the EU’s historical reluctance to be strong on social policies that impact on people’s day-to-day lives is one of the reasons why citizens feel disenfranchised, which is reflected not only in the turn-out at the Dutch referendum, but also the European Parliament elections.

The EU has a lot more in its treaty than the basis for austerity measures and cuts to our welfare. It has all the potential for a project that everybody can support and share. So I don’t want to be corned in a choice between yes or no. I want to be able to be the supporter of an alternative.

Let’s engage!

Pierre Baussand