Yes we can

Yes, last Thursday our members adopted their common strategic orientation for the next 6 years. In the context of the worst economic crisis since 1929, and after taking the time for reflection, exchanges and clarifications, 47 European social NGOs defined together their 6 strategic goals and the methods to continue to provide a united voice to the EU on common issues.

There are at least three points that I would like to highlight with you, dear reader.

First, we want a European Union that is socially just and cohesive. This society has to ensure that no one is excluded and that people’s wellbeing, dignity and human rights are the central goal of all policies.

That leads me to our second key point: all our work, and all the work of the EU and its member states, should be grounded in a rights based approach. The enjoyment of human rights is not only a goal to reach but also a means to define our everyday policy. All policies should take into account human dignity, gender equality and equality for all, respect for diversity, solidarity, freedom, social justice, sustainability, transparency and participatory democracy.

So we have a goal which can be reached only through a human rights based approach. Now for our third point, what are the 6 strategic objectives that can, through a human rights perspective, help us reach a socially just and cohesive Europe?

1. We want the eradication of discrimination and the realisation of equality, including equality between women and men in all areas of life.

2. We want to promote strong social protection and welfare systems.

3. It’s time for socio-economic justice and to eliminate all forms of socio-economic inequalities.

4. At a time when there are increasing numbers of working poor and precarious jobs, we want to campaign for decent work and quality employment.

5. We all need quality, accessible and affordable services to support us in our daily lives and we will continue to fight for universal access.

6. Nothing about people without people: our final objective is about the participation of people in decision making. When decisions from the Troika in countries under programme are perceived as unfair to the most vulnerable, this objective is highly relevant to ensure the legitimacy of those decisions.

Access to the strategic orientation will soon be available to the public. This was just a teaser

Let’s engage!

Pierre Baussand – Director