Make Mothers Matter - European Delegation

Make Mothers Matter (MMM) is an international NGO established in 1947 at the UNESCO in Paris.

We act through advocacy, network and communication.

Our poles of action are education, health, peace and economy.
We federate an expanding network of member associations and partners active in the field around the world reaching over 10 million mothers globally.

MMM has no political or religious affiliations and can therefore transparently voice the concerns of mothers at the highest level: at the UNESCO, the United Nations where we have a general consultative status, and at the European Union.

The EU delegation focuses on supporting and empowering mothers and highlighting how their contribution at social and economic level matters for Europe’s future development.

Supported by the experience and knowledge of our European member associations at the national grassroots level, we work to influence policy with the aim to achieve positive change in mothers’ lives. We believe this will benefit their children, their family, and the whole of society.

Contact us

Rue de la Gare, 36
1040, Brussels
Tel.+32 (0) 2 734 28 37