Search Results for: refugee

Job vacancies: European Commissioners

Primary Location: Brussels, Belgium Job Function: European Commissioner Job Posting Date: 22 July 2019 Mission of the role The people of Europe are looking for European Commissioners for the 2019 2024 term to take strategic leadership in putting people at the center of EU policy making and to champion a just transition towards a sustainable […]

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Red Cross EU Office: Enabling a Europe that really protects

On World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office calls on the EU and its Member States to renew their pledge to the 1951 Refugee Convention by reinforcing the pillars of a coordinated long-term approach to refugee protection. This approach should ensure that the principle of non-refoulement is a cornerstone of the system and guarantee […]

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EU Elections 2019

Watch our campaign video What you can do to support our campaign Our campaign video with subtitles in all EU languages Social Platform members’ campaigns Other information about the European elections 2019 Watch our campaign video:   On 23-26 May 2019, millions of citizens across the European Union will be electing a new European Parliament. […]

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Eurodiaconia: Eurodiaconia signed a statement on the Asylum and Migration Funds and European Social Fund+ proposals

Together with UNHCR – the United Nations Refugee Agency – and partner NGOs, Eurodiaconia has co-signed a statement that urges legislators to ensure the objectives of the Asylum and Migration Funds (AMF) and European Social Fund+ (ESF+), including more humane, transparent and effective asylum, migration and integration policies. The signatories welcome the general orientation of […]

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ReSOMA: 9 Discussion briefs on Migration, Asylum and Integration

Since the beginning of the year, Social Platform is part of the ReSOMA project (Research SOcial Platform on Migration and Asylum). As introduced in an earlier blog article, ReSOMA aims at establishing a reliable platform for exchanging evidence, data and good practice in the field of asylum, migration and integration that decision makers can rely […]

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ReSOMA – Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum

Overview Policy-making in the migration, asylum and integration field needs accurate and reliable knowledge and data. Politicians at all levels, civil society representatives and researchers need suitable ways of working together in the face of a rapidly changing environment. ReSOMA, the Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum, is the initiative mobilising for sustained, regular […]

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