Search Results for: refugee

Caritas Europa: Social justice is part of Europe’s DNA

The European Commission must propose and defend a Pillar of Social Rights that has a tangible positive impact on the situation of people affected by poverty and social exclusion. In its report ‘End Poverty in Europe – our solutions to make it happen‘, Caritas identified long-term unemployed people, working poor, single parents, children and migrants […]

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The fight against the criminalisation of solidarity continues

© Oscar Vifer. Last Wednesday [24 January], the petition against criminalising humanitarian assistance to migrants and refugees that Social Platform has actively supported for months was presented to the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament by Paula Schmid Porrras, on behalf of the organisation “Professional Emergency Aid” (PROEM-AID). This is an important milestone in view […]

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European Network Against Racism: International Holocaust Remembrance Day – EU must tackle contemporary Antisemitism and Antigypsyism

Joint statement co-signed by Social Platform members European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network (ERGO Network). The International Holocaust Day is a vital opportunity to remember the tragic events of the Holocaust and to reaffirm our commitment to ensure that such injustices are never to reoccur. We must take the opportunity […]

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Caritas Europa: Lone child migrants need all of our support!

On the occasion of the annual World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Caritas Europa joins Pope Francis in calling everyone to pay attention to the reality of child migrants, “especially the ones who are alone… who in a threefold way are defenseless: they are children, they are foreigners, and they have no means to protect […]

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Caritas Europa: Frozen Europe increases risks for migrants

First published by Caritas Internationalis. Migrants and refugees are facing life-threatening conditions after snow and arctic cold blanketed Greece, Serbia and south-eastern Europe. Temperatures at night have dropped below minus 20 degrees Celsius (minus 4 Fahrenheit) in some areas. Thousands of migrants are sleeping either outside, in camps or abandoned buildings. The temperatures are well […]

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Investing in services for people’s well-being

Last week we held our conference “Investing in services for people’s well-being – from good practices to better policies”. We wanted to show that investing in high quality social, health, employment services and social infrastructures is an investment in people and the future. For us, services should be tailored to the individual’s needs and promote […]

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Will the EU defend humanitarian assistance to migrants?

Published on EurActiv, 7 December 2016 2015 saw 1.3 million people apply for asylum in the European Union. Fleeing war, poverty and persecution, many have risked life and limb to enter the EU via land and sea, with thousands of lives lost for daring to dream of a life in peace and safety. It’s well […]

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Social service providers – key actors for inclusion

Many social services providers feel the impact of migration and want to be a part of the solution for inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at local, national and European level. This is why Social Services Europe (including seven of our members) and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) organised a meeting […]

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European Disability Forum: European Parliament Political Groups leaders agree on strong actions to support disability rights

Two days before the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December), the European Disability Forum (EDF) met with Presidents and top politicians of the main Political Groups in the European Parliament. Josef Weidenholzer (S&D Group Vice-President), Sabine Verheyen (EPP Coordinator in the Committee on Culture and Education), Syed Kamall (President of the ECR Group), […]

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The long winter of nations is coming

We were certainly very few yesterday celebrating the 16th anniversary of the adoption of the directive on equal treatment in employment and occupation. It came only six months after the so called race equality directive that aiming to prevent discrimination in many areas of life including education, health, employment and transportation. Two equality directives were […]

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