Search Results for: refugee

The difficulty of turning words into actions

There is a clear call for change in the way we do politics – unfortunately, the change is not moving in a positive direction, as I’ve seen on three occasions. The first time when waking up after the UK referendum in favour of Brexit, I didn’t expect that the call to leave the EU would […]

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For whom the civic space is shrinking

On 16 November Vice-President and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Sylvie Guillaume invited colleagues and civil society representatives to a meeting on shrinking civic space. Transparency International defines civic space as ‘the freedom and means to speak, access information, associate, organise, and participate in public decision-making’ The discussion took its starting point from Civil […]

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Round table meeting in the European Parliament on the EU Facilitation Directive

On 15 November we held a round table meeting in the European Parliament, entitled ‘The EU Facilitation Directive: Protecting the right to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants & refugees’ (see photos). The event was co-hosted by with Members of the European Parliament Carlos Coelho (EPP), Elly Schlein (S&D), Cecilia Wikström (ALDE), and Judith Sargentini (Greens/EFA). […]

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Access to services key to labour market integration

In mid-December a Social Platform delegation will go to south Sweden for a fact-finding visit to learn about some good examples of economic inclusion of migrants, which will be our focus next year. I therefore read with great interest a chapter about Sweden in a report by Bertelsmann Stiftung that has mapped labour-market integration support […]

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We are not all saints

Many people share my opinion that the European Union’s record on migration so far has been pretty scandalous. It’s a scandal that since the beginning of the year, 4,000 migrants and refugees have died at sea trying to enter the EU. It’s a scandal that many of our leaders have shown a clear lack of […]

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