Search Results for: refugee

Integration high on the agenda

This week integration has been high on Social Platform’s agenda. Firstly, our members met over lunch to discuss integration, social tension and political trade-offs (read my blog). Secondly, the European Commission launched its EU Action Plan for Integration of Third Country Nationals, and thirdly, I participated in my first meeting with the European Migration Forum’s […]

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European Women’s Lobby: Time for EU action to implement gender-sensitive humanitarian response, say women’s organisations!

Today, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) unveils its #womensvoices recommendations on preventing and combating violence against refugee women and girls on the move. “From conflict to peace? Women’s and girls’ voices on the move” is a five-month project partnering the European Women’s Lobby and the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and aiming to raise awareness on […]

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European Anti-Poverty Network: EAPN’s initial response to country-specific recommendations – more CSRs on poverty but austerity still dominant

On 18 May, the European Commission published the 2016 country-specific recommendations (CSRs) proposals. The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) welcomes the increased number of CSRs with a focus on ‘poverty reduction and social inclusion’ from 6 (2015) to 11 Member States (BG, CZ, ES, HR, HU, IE, IT, LV, PT, RO, SK), underpinned by Commissioner Thyssen’s […]

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Eurochild: “Missed opportunity to tackle increasing child poverty” – children’s rights network reacts to country-specific recommendations

The 2016 European Commission proposals for country-specific recommendations (CSRs) published on 18 May indicate a lack of progress since the 2015 CSRs in specifically addressing the needs of children in the EU. Whilst Eurochild welcomes an increased number of CSRs with a focus on poverty reduction and social inclusion, the opportunity has again been missed […]

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Caritas Europa: Poverty is a threat to the European project

Over 300 people from across Europe will gather in Lourdes at the end of May for a 4-day Caritas Europa conference to contribute to the building of the European project. 44 Caritas organisations from 42 European countries will participate with delegations consisting of Caritas staff and volunteers and people living in poverty and vulnerability. They […]

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Can we trade off values for national interests?

How can common decisions be taken at EU level when there are more and more calls from national leaders to take them at national level? How do we strike a balance between national interests and shared European values? UK Member of Parliament and former Mayor of London Boris Johnson controversially touched upon this topic last […]

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9 May – what I want to celebrate

9 May is Europe Day. According to the Commission’s website there will be 88 activities organised to celebrate Europe Day in 12 Member States. While I am sure that these activities will provide a great opportunity to commend peace and unity on the continent, I want to celebrate the first anniversary of one civil society […]

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Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants: Labour Day – EU can meet social targets by enforcing migrant workers’ rights

Ahead of International Labour Day, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) urges the EU and governments to enforce labour rights for migrant workers, regardless of their residence status. Several sectors of the economy in the EU rely on the presence of a migrant workforce. Many migrants work in the informal economy due […]

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