Search Results for: refugee

Individuals and volunteers arrested and fined for acts of solidarity

When we launched our campaign ‘Decriminalising Solidarity’ in 2015 we stated that Member States should not be allowed to punish those who provide humanitarian assistance to undocumented migrants. While we knew that the relevant law was not clear for individuals and civil society organisations and that they might be afraid to help irregular migrants when […]

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Caritas Europa: Launch of migration report

17 March, 13:30-15:00 | European Parliament, room ASP5G1, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels, Belgium Caritas Europa is pleased to invite you to the launch of its new report “Migrants and refugees have rights: impact of EU policies on accessing protection”, hosted by Member of the European Parliament Cecilia Wikström in the European Parliament. This report is Caritas […]

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COFACE: 8 March 2016, International Women’s Day

The mere fact of being a woman can condemn us to be mistreated in private, public, in Europe and all over the world. Being a woman, and being disabled, condemns us even more to be subject to violence. We are in the 21st century and… There are countries, so-called modern, conducting a policy of forced […]

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Closing our eyes to the migrant crisis will only make matters worse

The decision by Austria last week to accept only 80 asylum seekers per day is a demonstration of the growing reluctance of European Union Member States to share responsibility in the humanitarian crisis. But does closing borders – and our eyes – make the reality disappear? Far from it. All we achieve is a reduced […]

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