Search Results for: refugee

Social discourse on migration: ‘extreme right’ against ‘extreme left’?

By Lisa Dezauer, Intern at Social Platform As part of my internship at Social Platform I monitor daily European, national and local news, and what I am reading scares me. Not because people fleeing war, persecution and poverty are coming to Europe to find a more livable future for their families and themselves, but due to the reaction […]

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What can we expect from the Commission in 2016?

“No time for business as usual” – this is the 2016 motto of the European Commission’s work programme for next year. Beyond the new style – only 13 pages to read – I am more interested in the substance and where there could be hooks to promote a social Europe alongside the Juncker Commission. The […]

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A civil dialogue on migration, social protection & funding

On 29 October I participated in a civil dialogue meeting with the European Commission on the impact of migration and the humanitarian crisis on social protection systems. A novelty was the topic of the meeting and that the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG Home) was invited by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs […]

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Eradicating Poverty: Fighting Indifference & Ignorance

On 21 October the European Parliament’s Intergroup Fighting Against Poverty invited to a meeting to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Keynote speaker Mario Monti, Italian economist and former Prime Minister of Italy, stated that while poverty has decreased globally, it has increased in Europe. Mr Monti explained it has to do with […]

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Caritas Europe: The Council can still prove at the Valetta summit that humanity and solidarity are fundamental European values

Statement 19 October 2015 Caritas Europa regrets that the European Council’s decisions of 15 and 16 October 2015 are not responding to Europeans’ plea to address the current migration situation with humanity and solidarity. The Council’s proposal to reinforce cooperation with non-EU countries in order to strengthen the external borders of the EU is clearly […]

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Smugglers today, heroes tomorrow?

During World War II my grandfather’s sister had no other choice than to hand over her young son to “smugglers” that took him via the sewer system in Poland to the harbour, and onto illegal boats to Israel. If it wasn’t for the “smugglers”, my mother would not have had the chance to reunite with her […]

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