Search Results for: refugee

Social Platform statement on the COVID-19 pandemic

We have entered a new normal. Much like the financial crisis in 2008, the COVID-19 pandemic will change the global political, social and economic landscape for years to come. This new chapter brings with it new challenges, as well as some old challenges that civil society can play an important role in resolving. As the […]

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COVID-19 – Responses & Reactions of our Members

The COVID-19 pandemic impacts every one of us, but none more so than people in vulnerable situations. Below is an overview of responses and reactions from Social Platform’s members, including statements and resources, projects and national reactions, policy recommendations to decision-makers, and other interesting articles. Each of these categories is divided into themes representing some of […]

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European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless: Seminar, ‘Access to Accommodation as a precondition for Social Inclusion of migrants and asylum seekers in the EU ‘

31 March, 09:00-13:30 | Albert Borschette Congress Center, room CCAB 3.D., Rue Froissart 36, Brussels B-1040, Belgium Hosted by DG Home, European Commission Chaired by Wayne Stanley, Simon Community 9.00– 9.15 Introduction 9.15 – 10.30 Access to accommodation and housing for asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection and migrants with a precarious administrative status (first […]

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European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network: Intersecting Realities – Life stories of Balkan LGBTQIA+ Roma in Brussels

25 February, 09:00-14:00 | Mundo B (conference room), Rue d’Edimbourg 26, Brussels B-1050, Belgium Balkan LBGTQIA VZW brings together representatives of LGBTQIA+ communities from the Balkan countries, based in Brussels. The role of the organisation is to fight any form of discrimination, addressing particularly the issues of gender identity and sexual orientation, including through providing […]

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Red Cross EU Office: The future of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

Statement signed by 18 organisations, including the following Social Platform members: Red Cross EU Office, Caritas Europa, COFACE Families Europe, Eurodiaconia, European Council on Refugees and Exiles, European Network Against Racism, Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants and Save the Children. As European Union (EU) co-legislators resume trilogue negotiations on the basis of their […]

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ReSOMA launch event – Funding a long-term comprehensive approach to migrant inclusion at local level

On 17 September, Social Platform, in co-operation with Mental Health Europe and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), held a workshop on funding a long-term comprehensive approach to migrant inclusion at local level. This workshop, which took place in Helsinki in the framework of Social Platform’s ‘Building Social Europe’ Flagship event, was […]

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Workshops and Study Visits

Through six parallel workshops, participants will exchange expertise and brainstorm ways to bring the EU closer to people. Social Platform will use the results as input to its policy work on promoting socio-economic justice. During these workshops, we will answer the following questions: What is the added value of the EU working on this topic? […]

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