European Semester

The European Semester process (“the Semester”) is an annual year-long mandatory process that coordinates, monitors and evaluates Member States’ economic, fiscal, social, employment, environmental, energy, and climate policies, reforms and investments.  
It makes recommendations that contribute to turning various EU strategies, such as European Pillar of Social Rights, its Action Plan and the EU headline targets on employment, skills, and poverty reduction and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), into reality. 
As the EU continues to face many challenges to achieve its goals, Member States need to continue moving forward with speed and ambition to achieve socially just green and digital transitions.

Social Platform calls on the European Commission and Member States to continue strengthening the social dimension of the Semester process, supporting ambitious social reforms and strengthened public social investment to fill existing gaps and build a more resilient, inclusive and social Europe. 

Older man stands with granddaughter on a bus

Our work on the European Semester

The involvement of civil society organisations in the development, implementation and evaluation of policies is key to ensure they are evidence-based and correspond to the situation on the ground. 

Social Platform champions the input of civil society into the Semester process through engagement with European Commission officials and Member States’ governments represented in the Social Protection and Employment Committees.

We also offer capacity-building training to both members and interested stakeholders.  Keep an eye out for our next capacity building session or contact Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer, Katja Reuter for more information. 

Follow our updates and analysis

Would you like to better understand how the European Semester process impacts social policy? Social Platform publishes regular analysis and insights – available to check out below!

Start of the 2025 European Semester cycle - competitive economies need inclusive societies

In response to the Autumn Package, Social Platform, together with some of our members, highlighted specific concerns and made recommendations to the Social Protection Committee (SPC) and the Employment Committee (EMCO).

2024 Semester Spring Package – a return to competitiveness & fiscal sustainability could put Social Europe at risk

Our views on the June 2024 Spring Package put forward at the bi-annual meeting of the Social Protection Committee and the Employment Committee.

Start of the 2024 European Semester cycle – our recommendations for a more social Europe

In response to the European Commission's presentation of the 2024 Autumn Package, Social Platform call to further unlock the social potential of the European Semester process and implement much-needed social change.

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Socialising the European Semester: Analysis and recommendations for delivering a social, green and digital Europe

As the Semester process is increasingly becoming the tool to monitor progress towards achieving a wide variety of EU objectives, it is essential to equip it with the right tools to enable it to fulfil its objectives. 
Read our key recommendations for the reform of the Semester.

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