Over the Line: campaign for adequate minimum income

Towards adequate minimum income schemes for all

Why we need change

Our campaign coalition of civil society organisations are campaigning to bring everyone over the poverty line. No matter where you live in the EU, you should have the resources and support you need to live a decent life.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 people in the EU are living at risk of poverty or social exclusion. If the EU is to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by at least 15 million by 2030 (one of three EU-level social targets) decision makers must show more ambition.

We are therefore calling for an EU Directive on Minimum Income, to make sure that those most vulnerable in society can be guaranteed a life free from poverty.


What is minimum income?

Minimum income schemes are one of the last defences against poverty for people in vulnerable situations and are crucial to ensure the resilience of our societies and social cohesion. They can be defined as a package of benefits and services that form a safety net for people who, whether in or out of employment, would otherwise lack sufficient resources to live in dignity. Minimum income schemes should provide a minimum standard of living for all, however, this is not always guaranteed.

Interested to know more? See the Social Platform’s position paper, calling for an EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Income.

Sign the pledge!

In advance of the EU elections, we are calling for political candidates to pledge their support to make sure that those most vulnerable in society can be guaranteed a life free from poverty.

If elected as Member of the European Parliament, I commit to advancing social rights in Europe by advocating for:

  • An EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Income to ensure all EU minimum income schemes bring everyone over the poverty line.
  • ⁠The full implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and a revision of its Action Plan.
  • Comprehensive Active Inclusion approaches, combining adequate income support with access to quality services and inclusive labour markets.

Pledge your support and allow Social Platform to keep you up-to-date you about the campaign.


Our Over the Line supporters

Thank you to all the European Parliament candidates listed below who have signed our pledge!


Walter Baier 
Spitzenkandidat – Party of the European Left | Austria

Bas Eickhout MEP
Spitzenkandidat – European Green Party / Groenlinks-PVDA | Netherlands

Terry Reintke MEP
Spitzenkandidat – European Green Party / Die Grünen | Germany

Lena Schilling
Die Grünen | Austria

Thomas Waitz MEP
Die Grünen | Austria

Ines Vukajlović
Die Grünen | Austria

Katrin Fallmann
Die Grünen | Austria

Andreas Schieder MEP
SPÖ | Austria

Evelyn Regner MEP
SPÖ | Austria

Sabrina Winter 
SPÖ | Austria

Sara Matthieu MEP
Groen | Belgium

Thomas Jans
Groen | Belgium

Samira Atillah
Groen | Belgium

Jan Steurs
Groen | Belgium

Maarten Tavernier
Groen | Belgium

Karen Maes
Groen | Belgium

Bert Kindermans
Groen | Belgium

Matthias Bienstman
Groen | Belgium

Johan Langerock
Groen | Belgium

Saskia Bricmont MEP
Ecolo | Belgium

Olivier de Schutter
Ecolo | Belgium

Léa Charlet
Ecolo | Belgium

Selina Adedeji Mortoni
Ecolo | Belgium

Xavier Scauflaire
Ecolo | Belgium

Kim Fredericq  Evangelista
Ecolo | Belgium

Stéphanie Lepczynski
Ecolo | Belgium

Wouter Beke
CD&V  | Belgium

Liesbet Sommen
CD&V  | Belgium

Alda Greoli
Les Engagés  | Belgium

Bruno Tobback
Vooruit | Belgium

Kathleen Van Brempt MEP
Vooruit | Belgium

Nathalie Vanvelthoven
Vooruit | Belgium

Jos Bertrand
Vooruit | Belgium

Nathan Blondé
Vooruit | Belgium

Gloria Ghéquière
Vooruit | Belgium

Mauro Michielsen
Vooruit | Belgium

Elio di Rupo

Parti Socialiste | Belgium

Estelle Ceulemens

Parti Socialiste | Belgium

Matthieu Liessens
Parti Socialiste  | Belgium

Marc Botenga MEP
PVDA-PTB | Belgium

Sophie Lecron
PVDA-PTB | Belgium

Rudi Kennes
PVDA-PTB | Belgium

Janneke Ronse
PVDA-PTB | Belgium

Tony Fonteyne
PVDA-PTB  | Belgium

Cтефан Pадев
зелено движение – Green Movement | Bulgaria

Tsvetelina Penkova MEP
BSP | Bulgaria

Kristian Vigenin
BSP | Bulgaria

Krasin Karakotsev
BSP | Bulgaria

Gergana Aleksova-Velikova
BSP | Bulgaria

Nikolay Argirov
BSP | Bulgaria

Vyara Yordanova
BSP | Bulgaria

Radostina Georgieva
BSP | Bulgaria

Aleksandar Simov
BSP | Bulgaria

Sabina Petkanska
BSP | Bulgaria

Velizar Enchev
BSP | Bulgaria

Philip Popov
BSP | Bulgaria

Biljana Borzan MEP
Social Democratic Party | Croatia

Katarina Peović
Workers’ Front | Croatia

Gordan Bosanac

Mozemo! | Croatia

Urša Raukar-Gamulin

Mozemo! | Croatia

Rada Boric

Mozemo! | Croatia

Dušica Radojčić

Mozemo! | Croatia

Ivana Kekin

Mozemo! | Croatia

Nebojša Zelič

Mozemo! | Croatia


Josip Jambrač
Pensioners’ Party | Croatia

Alkis Papis
Kinima Ikologon – Synergasia Politon | Cyprus

Vítězslav Adamec
Česká Pirátská Strana | Czechi

Kateřina Konečná MEP
KSČM | Czechia

Zuzana Pavelková
Zelení – Strana Zelených | Czechia

Matěj Frouj
Zelení – Strana Zelených | Czechia

Vít Masare
Zelení – Strana Zelených | Czechia

Jaromir Baxa
Zelení – Strana Zelených | Czechia

Petr Dubravsky
Zelení – Strana Zelených | Czechia

Gabriela Svárovská

Zelení – Strana Zelených | Czechia

Osamu Okamura
Zelení – Strana Zelených | Czechia

Jan Košák
SOCDEM | Czechia

Michael Cardal
SOCDEM | Czechia

Jiří Dienstbier
SOCDEM | Czechia

Alžběta Kalábová

SOCDEM | Czechia

Luděk Svoboda
SOCDEM | Czechia

Villy Søvndal
SF – Green Left | Denmark

Rikke Lauritsen
SF – Green Left | Denmark

Andreas Grosbøll
SF – Green Left | Denmark

João Møller
Radikale Venstre | Denmark

Lars Fogh Mortensen
Radikale Venstre | Denmark

Kim Pagels
Radikale Venstre | Denmark

Valentina Crast
Alternativet | Denmark


Anette Jensen Smith
Alternativet| Denmark

Tanel Kiik
Social Democrats | Estonia

Vootele Päi
Social Democrats | Estonia

Krista Mikkonen
Green League | Finland


Maria Ohisalo
Green League | Finland

Petri Rinne
Suomen Keskusta | Finland

Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP  Kansallinen Kookumus | Finland

Li Andersson
Left Alliance | Finland

Merja Kyllönen
Left Alliance | Finland

Jussi Saramo
Left Alliance | Finland

Sami Säynevirta
Left Alliance | Finland

Akira Siivonen
Communist Party of Finland | Finland


Tarja Kajari
Communist Party of Finland | Finland

Jonas Kettunen
Communist Party of Finland | Finland

Petra Packalén
Communist Party of Finland | Finland

Jiri Mäntysalo
Communist Party of Finland | Finland

Bex Tapanainen
Communist Party of Finland | Finland

Pierre Larrouturou MEP
Nouvelle Donne | France

Manon Aubry MEP
La France Insoumise | Franc

Leila Chaibi MEP
La France Insoumise | France


Damien Carême MEP
Union Populaire | France

Kévin Vercin
La France Insoumise | France

Louise Heritier
La France Insoumise | France

Séverine Véziès
La France Insoumise | France

Mohamed Bensaada
La France Insoumise | France

Marie Mesmeur
La France Insoumise | France

Berenger Cernon
La France Insoumise | France

Raphaël Glucksmann MEP
Place Publique | France

Nora Mebarek MEP
Parti Socialiste | France

Aurore Lalucq MEP
Place Publique | France

Jean-Marc Germain
Parti Socialiste | France

Thomas Pellerin-Carlin
Place Publique | France

Chloé Ridel
Parti Socialiste | France

Claire Fita
Parti Socialiste | France

Victor Lachenait
Place Publique | France

Daniel Guiraud
Parti Socialiste  | France

Frédérique Bonnard
Parti Socialiste | France

Dieynaba Diop
Parti Socialiste | France

Flavien Cartier
Parti Socialiste | France

Marie Toussaint MEP
Les Écologistes | France

David Cormand MEP
Les Écologistes | France

Mélissa Camara
Les Écologistes | France

 Mounir Satouri MEP
Les Écologistes | France

Madjouline Sbai
Les Écologistes| France

Benoît Biteau MEP
Les Écologistes | France

Caroline Roose MEP
Les Écologistes | France

Abdoulaye Diarra
Les Écologistes | France

Priscillia Ludosky

Les Écologistes | France

Amine Kessaci
Les Écologistes – Société Civil| France

Flora Ghebali

Les Écologistes | France

Claude Gruffat MEP
Les Écologistes | France

Stéphanie Dembak-Dijoux
Les Écologistes | France

Régis Godec

Les Écologistes | France

Aminata Pallud
Les Écologistes | France

Charles Braine
Les Écologistes | France

Rachel Savin-Puget
Les Écologistes | France

Christian Lammens
Les Écologistes | France

Sophia Popoff
Les Écologistes | France

François Thiollet MEP
Les Écologistes | France

Marine Tondelier
Les Écologistes | France

Bruno Seigle-Murandi
Europe Territoires Écologie | France

Sven Franck
Europe Territoires Écologie | France

Cedric Deverchere
Europe Territoires Écologie | France

Anne Grau
Europe Territoires Écologie | France

Judith Meyer
MERA25 | Germany

Sebastian Everding
TIERSCHUTZ hier! | Germany

Thomas Schwarz
TIERSCHUTZ hier! | Germany

Martin Schirdewan MEP
Die Linke | Germany

Carola Rackete
Independent  | Germany

Özlem Dremirel MEP
Die Linke | Germany

Martin Günther
Die Linke | Germany

Tanja Hilton
Die Linke | Germany

Marianne Esders
Die Linke | Germany

Carsten Schatz
Die Linke | Germany

Hanna Wanke
Die Linke | Germany

Gabriele Bischoff MEP
SPD | Germany

Katrin Langensiepen MEP
Die Grunen | Germany

Helmut Kauer
ÖDP | Germany

Sven Bechen
Piratenpartei Deutschland | Germany

Stelios Kouloglou MEP
Nea Aristera | Greece

Petros Lymberakis
Nea Aristera | Greece

Danae Theodoridou
Nea Aristera | Greece

Anneta Tselepi
Nea Aristera | Greece

Dimitria Keramyda
Nea Aristera | Greece

Panagiotis Kounakis


George Tsoumas


Ioannis Vardakastanis


Petros Kokkalis MEP
KOSMOS | Greece

Chris Vrettos
KOSMOS | Greece

Vasiliki Grammatikogianni
KOSMOS | Greece

Maria Kavouri
KOSMOS | Greece

Dimitris Ioakeimidis
MERA25 | Greece

Dimitrios Papadimitriadis

SYRIZA | Greece

Agnes Vadai
Democratic Coalition | Hungary

Klára Dobrev MEP
Democratic Coalition | Hungary

Erik Bedő
Momentum Mozgalom | Hungary

Anna Donáth MEP
Momentum Mozgalom | Hungary

Evelin Hornyák
Momentum Mozgalom | Hungary

Umar Al-Qadri

Independent | Ireland – Dublin

Brendan Ogle

Independent | Ireland – Dublin

Sinéad Gibney
Social Democrats | Ireland – Dublin

Rory Hearne
Social Democrats | Ireland – Midlands North-West

Grace O’Sullivan MEP
Green Party | Ireland – South

Ciaran Cuffe MEP
Green Party | Ireland – Dublin

Pauline O’Reilly
Green Party | Ireland – Midlands North West

Cian Prendiville
People Before Profit | Ireland – South

Bríd Smith
People Before Profit | Ireland – Dublin

Brian O’Boyle
People Before Profit | Ireland – Midlands North-West

Mick Wallace MEP
Independents 4 Change | Ireland – South

Clare Daly MEP
Independents 4 Change | Ireland – Dublin

Luke Ming Flanagan MEP
Independent | Ireland – Midlands North-West

Lorna Bogue
Rabharta | Ireland – South

Robin Cafolla

Rabharta | Ireland – Dublin

Saoirse McHugh
Independent | Ireland – Midlands North-West

Niamh Hourigan
Labour | Ireland – South

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
Labour Party | Ireland – Dublin

Fergal Landy
Labour | Ireland – Midlands North-West

Rosa d’Amato MEP
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy



Cristina Guarda
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra

Benedetta Scuderi
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Brigitte Foppa
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Luciano Conte
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Luca Boccoli
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Massimiliano Smergilio MEP
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy


Jessica Cugini
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Simona Merisi
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Marilena Grassadonia
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Natale Cuccurese
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra | Italy

Andrea Cegna
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra – Independent | Italy

Caterina Avanza
Azione| Italy

Alfonso Maria Gallo
Stati Uniti d’Europa | Italy

Gianluca Carlo Misuraca Stati Uniti d’Europa | Italy

Brando Benifei MEP
Partito Democratico | Italy

Daniela Rondinelli MEP
Partito Democratico | Italy


Beatrice Covassi MEP
Partito Democratico | Italy

Teresa Bartoli
Partito Democratico | Italy

Angela Quaquero
Partito Democratico | Italy

Antonio Mumolo
Partito Democratico | Italy

Donatella Alfonso
Partito Democratico | Italy

Lidia Tilotta
Partito Democratico -Independent | Italy

Fabio Alberti
Pace Terra Dignità | Italy

Mario Furore

Movimento 5 Stelle  | Italy

Fabio Romano

Movimento 5 Stelle  | Italy

Mariangela Sturaro

Movimento 5 Stelle  | Italy

Paolo Bernini

Movimento 5 Stelle  | Italy

Stefano Cecere

Movimento 5 Stelle  | Italy

Romka Viesteurs
Kustība “Par!” | Latvia

Elīna Pinto
Progresīvie| Latvia

Ilze Baranovska
Progresīvie | Latvia

Igors Kļaviņš
Progresīvie | Latvia

Agnese Lāce
Progresīvie | Latvia

Laila Balga
Progresīvie | Latvia

Ina Lenca
Progresīvie | Latvia

Ieva Budraitė
Green Party| Lithuania

Evelina Kamandulytė
Green Party| Lithuania

Emilija Svobaite
Green Party| Lithuania

Edita Daraškaitė
Green Party| Lithuania

Vytenis Andriukaitis
LSDP | Lithuania


Lara Marwaha
Volt | Luxembourg

Marc Angel MEP
LSAP | Luxembourg

Danielle Filbig
LSAP | Luxembourg


Michaela Morrisova
LSAP | Luxembourg


Tania Mousel
déi Lénk | Luxembourg

Anastasia Iampolskaia
déi Lénk | Luxembourg

Arnold Cassorla
Independent | Malta

Sandra Gauci
AD+PD | Malta


Rachelle Deguara
AD+PD | Malta

Ralph Cassar
AD+PD | Malta

Norma Camilleri
Nationalist Party | Malta

Caspar Brüsewitz
Volt Netherlands | Netherlands

Ruben Schouten
Volt Netherlands| Netherlands

Ian Hendriks
Volt Netherlands | Netherlands

Verena Kitowski
Volt Netherlands | Netherland

Raquel García Hermida-van der Walle
D66 | Netherlands

Mohammed Chahim MEP
Groenlinks-PVDA | Netherlands

Marit Maij
Groenlinks-PVDA | Netherland

Kim van Sparentak MEP
Groenlinks-PVDA | Netherlands

Tineke Strik MEP
Groenlinks-PVDA | Netherlands

Elmar Smid
Groenlinks-PVDA | Netherlands

Catarina Vieira
Groenlinks-PVDA | Netherlands

Robert Biedroń 

Nowa Lewica | Poland

Bożena Przyłuska  

Nowa Lewica | Poland

Alicja Wojtyna-Jodko

KKW Lewica | Poland

Jan Harasymowicz

Razem Lewica | Poland

Agnieszka Marcinkowska-Kozak

Razem Lewica | Poland

Vitor Moreira
Volt | Portugal

Francisco Paupério
LIVRE | Portugal

Filipe Honório
LIVRE | Portugal

Miguel Chambel
LIVRE | Portugal

João Monteiro
LIVRE | Portugal

João Paiva
LIVRE | Portugal

Mafalda Dâmaso
LIVRE | Portugal

Catarina Martins
Bloco de Esquerda | Portugal

José Gusmão MEP
Bloco de Esquerda | Portugal


Anabela Rodrigues MEP
Bloco de Esquerda | Portugal

Alexandre Abreu
Bloco de Esquerda | Portugal

Norberta Grilo
Bloco de Esquerda | Portugal


Luis Fazendeiro
Bloco de Esquerda | Portugal


Pedro Fildalgo Marques
PAN | Portugal


Rafael Pinto
PAN | Portugal

Liliana Vieira
PAN | Portugal

Dan Nica MEP

PSD | Romania

Dragoş Pislaru MEP

REPER | Romania

Ana-Maria Boghean

REPER | Romania

Oana Cambera

REPER | Romania

Simina Tulbure

REPER | Romania

Lucia Kleštincová
Volt Slovensko | Slovakia

Zuzana Pucikova
Volt Slovensko | Slovakia

Tomáš Matta
Volt Slovensko | Slovakia

Jana Masarcova
Volt Slovensko | Slovakia

Nicola Orlovska
Volt Slovensko | Slovakia

Rick Zednik
Volt Slovensko | Slovakia

Matjaž Nemec MEP
Social Democrats | Slovenia

Milan Brglez MEP
Social Democrats | Slovenia

Irena Joveva  MEP
Freedom Movement | Slovenia

Klemen Grošelj  MEP
Zeleni Slovenije | Slovenia

Irene Montero

Podemos | Spain

María Teresa Pérez Díaz

Podemos | Spain

Diego Cañamero Valle

Podemos | Spain

Julio Rodríguez

Podemos | Spain


Riccardo Sá Ferreira

Podemos | Spain

Mar Cambrollé

Podemos | Spain

Conchi Abellan Carretero
Podemos | Spain

Soraya Rodríguez Ramos MEP
Izquierda Española | Spain

Guillermo Del Valle Alcalá
Izquierda Española | Spain

Estrella Galan
Sumar | Spain

Jaume Asens
Comuns Sumar | Spain

Júlia Miralles

Comuns Sumar | Spain

Cinta González Sentís
Comuns Sumar | Spain

Manu Pineda MEP
Sumar – Izquierda Unida | Spain

Eva García
Sumar – Izquierda Unida | Spain

Andere Nieva
Sumar – Más Madrid | Spain

Mateo Quirós
Sumar – Verdes Equo | Spain

Pernando Barrena
EH Bildu | Spain


Iratxe García Pérez MEP
PSOE | Spain

Alica Homs Ginel MEP
PSOE | Spain

Piotr Sadowski
PSOE | Spain

Idoia Mendia
PSOE | Spain

Rachele Arciulo
Volt España | Spain

Carri-Ginter Wikström
Volt Sweden | Sweden

Get in touch!

We would love your involvement  in supporting this campaign with us.

  • Follow our activities online with #OvertheLine 
  • Add your voice to the call to demand better living standards for all via your own channels and audiences.
  • Get in touch for Over the Line campaign resources: hannah.grieve @ socialplatform.org